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Young woman, dressed in african style and with bright eyes

African Model

$ 79.00
Portrait of a young woman, dressed in african style and with bright eyes.
This painting shows the African Maasai traditions and their culture: their clothing and the drums they use during ceremonies.

Drum Ceremony

$ 69.00
This painting shows the African Maasai traditions and their culture: their clothing and the drums they use during ceremonies.
Masaai warrior carrying a spear and a shield

Maasai Warrior

$ 55.00
This painting shows a Maasai warrior carrying a spear and a shield.
Women of the Maasai tribe in Kenya and their children on their backs

Maasai Women

$ 50.00
This painting shows women of the Maasai tribe in Kenya and their children on their backs
Masaai coming from the market with pots and the babies on their backs.

Masaai Crowd

$ 50.00
This painting shows the Maasai coming from the market with pots and the babies on their backs.